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Organize Your Projects
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Organize Your Projects

One of the best ways to start getting caught up on your scrapbooking is to organize all of your projects. How many projects do you have? What are they? If they are all organized, you'll be able to see what you are working with better, and it won't feel so overwhelming!

Digital photos: Be sure to save them in organized folders. I like to make a folder for each year, and subfolders within that for any event that I think I might want to make a project for, big or small. It's also handy to save a text document, for example in Microsoft Word, in each folder that you plan to use to make a larger project. Then you can brainstorm random ideas onto it and save it for when you actually get to the project. That way you won't forget any of your great ideas!

Printed Photographs: Already have printed copies of your photographs? Purchase an acid free storage box to store them in. Make dividers and tabs out of scrap paper and use them to separate projects.

Embellishments and mementos: Purchase plastic storage containers to keep papers and embellishments for different projects sorted. There are really great containers out there specifically for scrapbooking that hold 12"x12" paper. If you can afford it, these are a great way to go! Use one per project and put a label on the front so you can tell at a glance which box goes to each project. That way, if you wake up one day and feel like working on "John's Graduation Album", you'll have all of your pictures, embellishments and supplies for the project all ready to go!

Make a List: Make a list of all of your unfinished  projects and prioritize them. Making a check list will help keep you organized and can be great visual tool to keep you on track. Having a visual aid for your project line up will also help spark creative brainstorming for your projects, so post it somewhere that you'll see often!